Friday, February 08, 2008

Secret Il-2 Campaign

Wednsday evening , Daniel and Jeffrey came to my appartment to film the trailer for the Bruges Movie-festival at the end of this year. We spend the entire evening filming Jeffrey sitting on a chair by moving the camera around him.

But without a steadycam (we're shooting the trailer with Sony mini-dv handheld camera) it was quite difficult to get a stable shot. In the end we took some static shots which will probably end in the trailer. Tomorrow Daniel will stop by to edit the trailer itself.

Today I started another Il-2 campaign, don't get me wrong, its fun too fly the P-39 campaign but after 7 missions I wanted something new. Don't forget that I only fly two missions a week, so if I would focus on only the P-39 I could easily be flying it for several more weeks. This new campaign will also provide material for AAR's but I intend to write all the reports first, before publishing them. But unlike in my previous AAR's I want to keep the discipline to fly only when I wrote the AAR from the previous mission. As such I prevent having a huge backlog of AAR's to write. Besides I don't think that the vistiors of SimHQ will miss me, if I post only one story a week.

Meanwhile the latest AAR in the Port Moresby series has been posted. Concerning the new campaign I started, I won't reveal which campaign until I start posting.

Happy reading

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