Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I have settled into a good rythm to write my Il-2 AAR's. I usually fly a mission on Monday. since most missions only take 30 minutes to fly i have plenty of time for other things (watching TV, reading or doing household work). Tuesday is the day when I watch the replay and take the screenshots. When I return from fitness on Wednsday I write the AAR itself. Publishing the AAR on Simhq is then done either Wednsday evening or on thursday.

By limiting myself to publishing (and flying) only one mission a week, I experience far less stress and I have time for other activities, either new activities or things I should take up again, like posting on this blog, something I will try to do a bit more often.

If you are finished reading this post, you can perhaps read the latest AAR at SimHQ.

Happy reading

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