Monday, February 04, 2008

Devil May Cry

I just posted another chapter in the Port Moresby AAR at simhq. Currently I fly one to two missions a week, each time waiting to fly the follow-up mission before I have written the AAR. As a result I find myself much more involved in the story created by the campaignbuilder and my own imagination.

Last Saturday was the new year party at my work. After a long night out, I was not in the mood to do something difficult or boring so I popped an old game in my playstation 2: Devil May Cry. This was the first game I bought for my PS2. It's still fun to play and I set myself the challenge to finish all 3 PS-2 games of the series. There is Playstation 3 release schedule for the fourth installment but I don't own a PS3 so its unlikely that I will ever play that game. Not that I would not want a PS3 but its still a bit too expensive to my taste. Furthermore the games are not cheap unless you are willing to to wait for second hand games.

I guess I'll wait untill the playstation 3 drops some more in price (I don't want to pay more then 300 €) or untill I need a cheap blue-ray player.

In the meantime I'll keep myself busy with flying flight sims and playing Civilisation 4.

Happy reading

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