Wednesday, January 30, 2008

So much to do

I just posted my latest entry for the Port Moresby AAR, you can find it at SimHQ. Professionally It are busy times and it seems to spill over in my private life.

I just redownloaded Operation Tainted Cigar for Wings over Europe and patched Falcon 4 AF to version 1.0.13. And don't forget that I am still writing on the final draft for my machinima movie. On what subject should I write first? A new series of AAR's based on Operation Tainted Cigar. And what about the six AAR's I wrote for Falcon 4 AF, should I continue the campaign and add more AAR's and when will I post them? And what about the Port Moresby AAR, should I stop that one?

At the very least, my new way of writing for the Port Moresby AAR allows me to fly missions and write short AAR's about them (with short I mean a lot of image with caption, not much story between the images). I remember my first AAR's in Il-2. I had them lined up for a whole year in advance, but after a while that got pretty boring.

I don't know, I'll think I'll fly one more mission in the Port Moresby serie and will take it from there, perhaps its better not to let the stress from work spill over into my personal life.

Happy Reading

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