Friday, January 18, 2008

New Internetprovider

Since january 1st, I have been changed from internet provider. I stress have been changed. I used to get my connection through UPC. Through UPC I a no limits connection, so downloading movies, images and stuff was never a problem.

Unfortunetaly UPC Belgium has been acquired by Telenet, so since january I have the "pleasure" of being a telenet customer. I still have the relative high connection but Telenet has something like their telenet-meter: if you surpass a certain amount of megabyte (down and upload) your bandwith is reduced (with slower download and upload as a result). AFAIK Belgium is the only country where broadband internetproviders use such tactics. Telenet is also famous for offering a lot of services for free upon launch, but after a couple of months they start charging for it. However I'll have to learn to life with that, since the other option is going to ADSL. At this moment I already passed my download limit and am put on reduced bandwidth untill 27/1/2008. I'll monitor my bandwidth and downloads because I don't want to be cheated by telenet.

On a slightly brighter note: I uploaded the next installment in the Port Moresby AAR at Simhq (just scroll down to the bottom of the page on the forum). I'll try to maintain a twice a week posting rate but that does mean that most stories will be rather small in text. But I don't think that will be a problem since most people just watch the images.

Happy Reading

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