Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Happy New Year

Ok I know, I am a little bit overdue, but the last weeks I had not much time or material to post on this blog. I set myself a deadline for end of january for my script (its fitfth rewrite) and although i have flown a mission in the Anzac campaign I was not really in the mood to create a movie (yet).

It seems that I am juggling with too many projects. I recently started writing AAR's again. My latest one: Defense of Port Moresby can be found here. Unlike my previous AAR's i won't create new posts on Simhq for each chapter. Instead, like Dart's Afrika '41 AAR, I will add every chapter to the same post.

It seems that AAR-writing has picked up again on SimHQ, not only Yankee Air Pirate AAR's are posted but also a Steel Beast and a tactical shooter AAR made it to the forum.

As for my good intentions for 2008, they are simple:

  • post regulary on simhq
  • write regulary on my blog
  • finish my machinima script
Enjoy the AAR's on Simhq and see you in cyberspace.

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