Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Guerloc - Rewrite

Daniel and Jeffry just went home. I had invited them over to my place to discuss the script for Guerloc. I had hoped that their comments would be trivial, that I could do a quick rewrite and start shooting the picture.

Alas, they had good and bad news for me. The good news is that the basic premise is good. The central story arc is fine. The bad news is that my story lacks substance. There is promise but i fail to deliver. They also had a hard time figuring out what my setting was: is it a sci-fi movie, a sci-fi western?

So I am back behind the keyboard. First I'll have to review all their small remarks in the script and then start adding or improving the material. It seems that the Guerloc blog will remain empty for a while (I refuse to post anything before I start shooting). But I owe it to myself to make sure that this machinima movie is the best movie ever made.

PS I just posted the last two episodes of Anzac on, check this blog and that site for part 3 of Anzac, which will be posted soon.

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