Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Long and short campaigns

I finaly finished Murmansk to Marocco. 54 Missions of which at least 2 dozen are marked to be used in a blog-novel. It will take some time to write that.

Large campaigns are fun but I dread the boredom that might lurk in flying the same missions again and again. Luckily this campaign was fun to fly with a lot of diversity despite the fact I was always flying the Bf-110. It is also hard to imagine an interesting story-line with such long campaigns. Personally I prefer short campaigns (with 10 to 15 missions). Its much easier to distil a story line which will usually only span 4 to 5 chapters (= 1 month of publishing).

Short campaigns means also that I can transfer more quickly to another aircraft. I just finished the Hurricat campaign from 242Sqn_cat. It only took me 3 days to finish (yeah I know, being single means I can spend a lot of time behind my computer, it also helps that I only sleep about 6 hours a night). I'll probably publish that storyline in april.

Anyhow, I also posted the 3rd chapter of Fortress Europe. You can read it at SimHQ or at my blog-novel.

Happy Reading

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