Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Fortress Europe and Posting at SimHQ

Today I posted the first chapter of a new storyline: Fortress Europe. Its based on the Fortress Europe campaign from vpmedia.

I always post on Wednsday because in the past I had a free afternoon. That gave me ample time to post each chapter (the entire story is always written in advance). Lately I discovered that posting on Wednsday has some added benifits regarding views on SimHQ.

Everybody surfing to SimHQ has to pass by their frontpage. On that page they post links to the latest additions to their forums. I discovered that usually they post a link to my story on Friday. I guess this has to do with the timezones, its afterall an American site. But the end result is that my story gets linked before the weekend and they don't change their links untill after the weekend. So the entire weekend people are directed towards my story, which skyrockets my views.

Here is a short overview of number of views Black Sheep generated for the 4 last chapters (which all were posted on the new forum lay-out):

Lets hope i can get equal or more views with Fortress Europe. As usual there is the option to read the blog-novel or the SimHQ-post.

Happy Reading

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