Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Black Sheep - Final Chapter

Today I posted the last chapter in the Black Sheep saga. You can read it at my blog-novel or at SimHQ. I get the impression that the number of people posting AAR's at SimHQ is increasing.

Besides me, there is Simon Read who posts Yankee Air Pirate AAR's, you can read some of his stories here, here and here. I don't have the game he uses (Wings over Vietnam) but it is fun to read the AAR's, perhaps if I find it one day in the sales bins I might buy it. But for the time being I am too busy flying and writing about Il-2.

I already have finished the next storyline, using the Fortress Europe campaign from vpmedia as inspiration. Currently I am writing stories based on the Mosquito Squadron campaign. Other campaigns that I have flown and are waiting to be written about are Yaks over Memel, The Legend of Y-29 and Seafires Okinawa.

At Mission4Today, 3 new campaigns were placed in 2 days time. It is getting harder and harder to choose what campaign to fly first. In the meantime I am flying the Bf-110 Campaign from 1.JaVA_Sjonnie. I have flown 6 missions up till now and each one merits a chapter in a story, so with 54 missions that will be a hell of a blog-novel.

In the meantime you can read the latest Black Sheep Chapter at the blog-novel or at SimHQ.

Happy Reading

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