Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Essential Tools

When I am working on a new campaign there are three tools that I keep close by.

1. Notepad (the computerprogram)
2. Paper
3. ToDoList (another program)

I use notepad as a simple log of what I have done and will do in the campaign. With notepad I wrote the first design document and I use notepad to store all the links to the various downloads (aircraft, maps etc).

But once I downloaded the items I needed, I rely one small programm called ToDoList.

ToDoList is a small free program, which allows you to create simple tasklists. I don't use to schedule how long I will work on a campaign although it's technically possible, but it helps me to keep track of the different edits I need to perform to downloaded objects.

The final tool is just pen and paper. When I am inside the sim, Its impossible or ill-advised to alt-tab to the notepad. So I just write small remarks on paper, which I use afterwards to edit the various files in the sim.

There are off course other tools that i use, like Photoshop and Le Missioneur, but these three tools are the essential tools I need when campaign building.

Happy Flying

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