Wednesday, May 09, 2007

New Layout

I decided to tamper a bit with the layout of the blog. In the past I already used adsense to place ads. It is not my intention to gain money with my blog or the other blog-novels I have (although a little bit of cash is off course welcome). The main purpose of this blog after all is to centralize all the stories that I wrote.

The new layout would rearrange the posts and sidebars. The right sidebar would be used to link to all my stories and contains only one referral unit (a new ad-format that I am trying out).

The left sidebar would be used entirely for ads. I checked out the referral ads from google and believe that, if they are successfull, these could generate the most money in the shortest time. But again I don't have high hopes. I started using ads since a couple of months ago. Up till now Google ows me 1,6 USD, catch is that they only pay out once you have 100 USD! Perhaps when I retire I will get my first 100 buck!

Part of the overhaul of the blog will also mean that a new blog-novel will be written to cover my AAR: 361st. This AAR was originally posted at SimHQ, but the links got lost with the upgrade of their forum. I already lost the story "Dear Brother" in a similar manner. I don't have the original text anymore for "Dear Brother", but I still have an electronic copy of 361st. I'll start copying it to a blog in the near future.

Train Attack, one of my first short stories in the IL-2 universum, has also been transferred to a new blog: This blog will contain all the short stories that I wrote. I added today another short story: Pearl Harbor '41.

It's based on a single mission that I downloaded for Il-2. Since it takes a bit more time to write stories based on campaigns, single missions are ideal to write a story in a couple of days. The disadvantage is that I have less time to use my imagination so the stories tend to remain dry reports of the events taking place.

You can read the Pearl Harbor AAR at SimHQ or here.

Happy Reading

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