Wednesday, May 16, 2007

First Mission

Last week I designed my first own misison: BoB - Squadron 74. After editing an existing mission from Major Dragon, I got the taste of designing missions myself. I picked the Battle of Britain, because there is information available on it on the web. Some sites contain a diary of all the missions flown during the Battle. The mission I designed is loosely based on one of the first reported missions. A lone German bomber escorted by 10 fighters attacks ships in the channel. RAF Spitfires from Squadron 74 chase them away.

Posting the Pearl Harbor '41 on SimHq, has also allerted me that perhaps its readers are more interested in photo-AAR instead of the usual heavy text driven AAR's I post. My old-style AAR's get around 500 views in their first week. Pearl Harbor '41 got 700 views in the first week!!! I guess I'll have to post more images.

I certainly won't quit after my first mission. I already have plans for a second mission, this time based on the attack on Clark Field in the Philippines. You'll certainly will read more about it on my blog.

Meanwhile, you can read my latest AAR at SimHQ or at these blog. If you get interested in flying the mission yourself you can download it here.

Happy Reading and Flying

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