Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Blog Layout

As you might have noticed, I changed the blog layout a bit. I did this for three reasons:
1/ There was to much clutter in the left and right banners
2/ I wanted to rethink my adsense structure.
3/ I needed room for my other projects

At the moment there are only two advertisement blocks: one on the left and one at the bottom. I might add some new banners but the goal is to minimize the number of banners, but increase the number of clicks (for which I get paid).

The clutter on the side banners (the movies on the left and the AAR's on the right) have also been removed. Instead I added a new block on the right: Blog Navigation. In it you will find links to three subpages:
1/ Movies
2/ WW2 Stories
3/ Jet Stories

Each subpage will then put you through to the actual content (movies or stories).

As I am working on my second campaign for Wings over Europe, I needed some place to group my work that I did for the Thirdwire sims. So you can expect another entry soon in the Blog Navigation: Projects.

Untill then,

Happy Flying

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