Tuesday, June 05, 2007

F-86 Sabre

The last couple of days several people started posting AAR's at SimHq. A small overview:

I don't want to brag too much, but perhaps this surge of AAR's has to do with my continuous effort of posting AAR's. For 9 months now I have been posting AAR's each wednsday (only Simon Read has a similar number of posts).

The disadvantage is that my own AAR's seem to get less views. Cold Channel Ditch only has gathered 480 views by now. But its something I am willing to live with, since I can now read the stories from other people.

A couple of weeks ago I started posting about famous pairs. But the project never took off. But why post something if I can find the same concept on other site. Through SimHQ I stumbled on this movie of the F-86 (see parts below). Tomorrow I will post the movies of its counterpart - the Mig-15.

Part 1/6

Part 2/6

Part 3/6

Part 4/6

Part 5/6

Part 6/6

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